Saturday, March 28, 2020

Are Your Shelves Empty?

Over the past few weeks, I have heard and witnessed panic, frustration, and people who are afraid, as evidenced by empty store shelves.  Last week, I saw people in line waiting as the employees were trying to stock shelves, to take whatever they had in the box.  I don't remember this much panic, and uncertainty even after Hurricane Irma.
It takes a lot of faith to know that even this will pass, and we will survive.  Reading one of my devotions this morning, the scripture message was about crossing the Jordan river.  I cannot imagine what the people of Israel were experiencing when they realized they were going to cross that river which was now at flood stage. I'm thinking they were in a panic, feeling frustrated, and scared.  Probably for the same reasons we are all feeling panicked, frustrated and afraid.  How long will this virus thing go on?  How long will I be out of work? When will my church resume services?  Will we have enough food? If I am infected, how will that impact my family?
On that morning,  I'm sure that Joshua was experiencing all those emotions too, but he still obeyed the Lord.
And it shall come to pass, as soon as the soles of the feet of the priests who bear the ark of the Lord, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of the Jordan, that the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off, the waters that come down from upstream, and they shall stand as a heap (Joshua 3:13, NKJV).   
That took an enormous amount of faith, to step out into that flood stage, mighty river.  But they did it, because they believed.
A different scenario manifested itself this week.  Several of the shelves at the grocery store were filled.  Is that because we are finally believing, this too shall pass?
I'm taking that first step, and waiting for the waters to depart for me too.  I want to encourage you to continue following the directives the Department of Health has recommended.  Continue social distancing, but that doesn't mean you can't email, text, or call your friends.  Don't lose touch with the people you love and care about.  They are frustrated and afraid too.


Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I posted a comment this morning but it disappeared. Huh? Can’t remember what I said. Lol. Probably something a long the lines of... “Take care.” I’ve got to slow down on watching the news. It’s difficult to remain calm watching what is happening in your country. Very scary.

Kathryn Neff Perry, PhD, MA, LMHC said...

Thanks Joy! I miss you. I'm praying you and your family are all well and happy right now. Keep in touch my sweet friend!