Sunday, December 5, 2021

The Advent Wreath

 Early morning is still my favorite time of the day.  Sitting in my dark office, the flicker from the fireplace reminds me that even though I live in Florida, it's cold outside.  The birds are still asleep, as well as most of the people in my neighborhood.  The still calm of the night, and what lurks in the darkness. 

Today is the second Sunday in Advent.  During the morning worship service, someone will light the second candle on the advent wreath.  Advent, from the Latin word Adventus means "coming."  The first candle represents Hope.  Isaiah waited in hope for the Messiah's arrival. The purple color symbolizes royalty, repentance, and fasting.  The second candle represents Faith.  Micah had foretold that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem, which is also the birthplace of King David. The third candle represents Joy. When the angels announced that Jesus came for humble, unimportant people like the shepherds, they were full of joy.  The fourth candle represents Peace.  Jesus was born to bring peace.  The fifth candle represents Light and Purity (and is placed in the middle, and is white). 

I've always been fascinated by the the Advent Wreath and the traditions it represents.  This morning, sitting in my still dark office, waiting for the sun to warm and greet me, I'm thinking about Advent. Hoping for the arrival of the Messiah, embracing my faith.  Feeling humbled with joy, and holding tight to the Peace that fills my heart at this moment.  Waiting for the light and purity that Jesus represents. 

I'm praying for Hope, Faith, Joy, Peace, Light and Purity to hover over our community, and the very place wherever you are this morning.  Know that I'm there with you, sharing each of these promises to us. And quietly waiting for the birth of the King.

Luke 2:5 He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child.

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