Friday, May 1, 2020

I'm Confused...

This new "virtual" thing is not for rookies!  Ever since we started seeing clients virtually,  my computer savvy has been tested daily.  Some of my clients log in with ease, other's need a longer counseling session just to cope with this "new" norm.  Typically,  I send a text message early the morning of their session.  The response I got from one client said she was confused? Hmmmm...I looked at my calendar realizing we scheduled her appointment for next week.  She already had an appointment this week, but I forgot to take it off my paper calendar.  The information I put into "the system" was correct,  so I completely understood her comment.  I responded to her text, "no worries, looks like I'm confused too." Even though this "new norm", not seeing clients face to face is much healthier for all of us, it's also more difficult...for all of us.  Trying to adjust or adapt to these safer methods, doesn't mean it's easier.  Seeing clients via a computer has always been an ethical issue.  So, in addition to accepting this new norm, I'm also struggling with that issue.

This new "lifestyle change" gives me more time in the morning for reading devotions, and my Bible.  This morning one of the verses I read seemed to jump off the page at me.  I'll always be amazed when I "randomly" read a verse in the Bible that wasn't "planned".  Todays message was in the book of Hebrews.   "God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them" (Hebrews 6:10, NIV).    Amen, Father!

Stand Strong and Stay Healthy



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