My favorite time of the day (still) is early morning. I love sitting in my office, in the pre-dawn daylight, listening. The birds sing melodious songs to each other. In the stillness I can sometimes hear them answer each other, especially the mourning doves. The early morning hours are also the time I read my daily devotions and Bible. This mornings plan was not supposed to be any different. Each time I started to read one of the six devotionals I read, I was interrupted. My phone is turned off, but on vibrate. My watch buzzes on my arm each time a new text, or email appears in my inbox. I kept ignoring the distraction, until I finally realized it was a weather alert. Living in Florida, a weather alert happens often. However, this morning it was more than just an alert, a tornado had been spotted in our area. I looked outside and saw (and heard) nothing but rain hitting the roof and window. The sky was an ominous gray, with complete cloud cover. After living through a hurricane, that type of storm is not welcome here.
Fortunately for us, we didn't see any signs of a tornado, but I don't know about the surrounding areas. For a few minutes my mind was racing back to memories of no electricity for days, loud winds, and crashing lightening around us. One of the first devotionals I picked up this morning was Streams in the Desert, (Cowman, 1925). One of the reasons this particular devotional is so dear to my heart is because a devoted, faithful, forever friend gave this book to me. We read it daily, and often comment on the message. She doesn't live far, but far enough that we can't "see" each other every day. Sue Martin is one of those friends you know will be at your side no matter what. Today's message was about faith, and trusting the Lord that what we have committed (in prayer) to Him, we have to let go of it and trust He will take care of it.
In the midst of all that is going on in our country today, I am reminded to do just that. One of the scripture verses in Streams this morning is "commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass (Psalm 37:5, NKJV). It's hard right now to know what's the best solution for us, as the country slowly "opens up". Do we go back to work? Will we be exposed to the virus? Will we bring it home to our family?
One of the issues Sue and I discussed this morning is prayer, and remembering to pray every day. Sue shared a link with me about revival and prayer. Something each of us can participate in. If you would like to know more about it, I'm sharing the link with you. The Return, National and Global Day and Movement of Prayer and Repentance (click here). We have so much to be thankful for. One is the opportunity to pray with and for each other. Know that I pray for each of you everyday.
Stand Strong and Stay Healthy.
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