One of the devotionals I read daily is, 'Daily Guideposts'. If you aren't familiar with that little publication, the editors include a couple pages at the end of each month. On those pages are lines corresponding with a line from each day that month. At the end of each month, they ask you to write out what you are thankful for, or how you have been blessed. I have to admit, with this "new lifestyle" we are all experiencing, it was difficult for me at first to come up with blessings.
Since my schedule is different now, I had more time to sit and actually study the devotionals I read. In addition to that, I read and tried to absorb the scripture that went along with the devotional. My office was unusually quiet this morning. The only thing I could hear were the birds just outside the window. I didn't recognize the melody, but I understood their words. My puppies were sleeping beside me, one next to me on the sofa, and the other behind me on the back of the sofa. One of the new fragrances I've fallen in love with is from Bath and Body, 'Spearmint and Eucalyptus
and they call it "Stress Relief". I lit the new three wick candle, and waited as the gentle fragrance slowly filled the room. Wondering if the new scent would live up to its name?
I remember taking a few deep breaths, and letting them out slowly...for two minutes (try it, it works), I leaned back into the sofa feeling at peace and joyful.
Hmmmm, now reading over this new post I have just written, it seems that I didn't have as much trouble as I thought about listing things I'm blessed by. I probably won't read the paper today, the news depresses me. Instead of the national news, I may watch another Carol Burnett rerun that I found quite by accident yesterday on YouTube.
Another thing I am thankful for is all of you who are reading my words and letting me know they were encouraging. That's about all I can do right this minute, try to encourage you. But rest assured, I am still praying for all of us. I am giving it all to the Lord. He plans my steps each day. What (or who) are you thankful for today?
The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched [or COVID 19] land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden like a spring whose waters never fail (Isaiah 58:11, NIV).
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