Thursday, August 6, 2009

I got the brilliant idea to stop at Starbucks for my favorite, Venti Chi Cream Frappuccino a few nights ago. We were on our way home from Denver and we stopped for the night in Alexandria, Louisiana. That night will remain embedded in my memory for a long time. It's funny now, but neither of us were laughing that night. We found a hotel, but were both so tired we decided to find something to eat and fuel for the car before we actually settled in. We found a gas station a few blocks from the hotel, but we were both so tired of fast food I decided to go to Kroger's and try to put something together back in our room. That particular Kroger's had a Starbucks inside. I found food to prepare, checked out, stopped at Starbucks and headed back outside to the car where my husband was waiting. One of the issues we deal with on the road is not every hotel is "pet friendly". Even in the evening it has been too hot to leave Bailey in the car, so one of us goes shopping while the other one walks Bailey. When I got back to the car my husband shared his story about the homeless person who tried to extort money from him. We headed back to the hotel and realized we were lost. My husband couldn't find the receipt with the address on it, so we drove around for about an hour trying to find our hotel. By 11:15 we were so tired and frustrated, neither of us was hungry. I think my husband ate an apple. I sipped away at my Chi tea, not realizing how much caffeine it contained. At 4:15 a.m. I finally fell asleep. We woke at 7 a.m. and loaded the car, ready for another day. I think last night when we crossed over the Florida state line, most of the residents could hear me clicking my heels. There's no place like home, there's no place like home!

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