Tuesday, March 22, 2011

That Was You, Wasn't It Lord

My prayer journal laid across my lap, my hands pressed the tattered pages. My fingers traced the first eight names on the page. Each of them have cancer, six of my sisters, breast cancer.
I leaned my head against the soft cushion, my heart heavy. "Lord are you hearing my prayers? Am I praying the right way? I lift these precious people up to you everyday, but I'm not sure you are hearing me."
In the stillness of the morning light, two birds chirped across the yard. They seemed to be saying, "good morning, why are you sad?"
As my eyes glanced at the first name on the list, I remembered her circumstances. She wasn't able to have a mammogram at her regular time. She had it two and a half months later. They would not have found the spot, so tiny even the radiologist had trouble seeing it. That was you, wasn't it Lord.
And then the second name on my list. She had surgery, almost died from the Chemo. Spent a week thinking her husband was the doctor. Later, after surgery, finding another lump which was also milignant. She is now finishing her "last round of chemo", and there's no sign of cancer anywhere in her body. That was you too, wasn't it Lord.
The third name on the list said to me last week. "This cancer is a blessing." I couldn't believe my ears. "Why", I said.
Because, she continued, "I'm going to meet lots of new doctors and nurses I can testify to about the wonderful love of Jesus."
That was you too, wasn't it Lord.


Carol J. Garvin said...

I'm not one of those who consider their cancer a blessing, but I understand that thinking. There was nothing good in my experience other than I was grateful for the Lord's sustenance during a very difficult time.

You bless your friends with your love and prayers. I hope you know how valuable your support is... what it means to have others care that much during times when life is impossibly hard. And yes, the Lord is there in so many of those small but precious moments. :)

Kathryn Neff Perry, PhD, MA, LMHC said...

I have to admit feeling blessed wasn't my first thought when the doctor told us about my husband's cancer.
But I do feel blessed to have her as a friend and share her faith.
I realized a long time ago, it is times like these when we count on our friends prayers, especially when we are going through the rough times.
And I also feel blessed to have you as my precious friend, even though we have never met face to face, I feel we have.
Love you bunches

Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Wow, that is an interesting way of seeing things... I will certainly try that next time I feel frustrated about "unanswered" prayers...
Thank you for sharing!

Kathryn Neff Perry, PhD, MA, LMHC said...

Blessings to you my friend. Life is just way too complicated sometimes---isn't it!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I can't imagine how people with no faith manage to live life to the fullest, let alone combat cancer. Today I know more women who have had cancer than have not. I think the illness brings to light what is really important. It's frightening to face the unknown, to wonder if one can manage the illness and the pain, but in the end, it must be a blessing to be prepared to meet God, instead of unprepared to see Jesus.

Kathryn Neff Perry, PhD, MA, LMHC said...

Joy, Your words are so true----and brought a tear to my eyes.
I'm so glad you are in my life---another God story.
Love you

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Katt, I hope it's okay, but I've presented you with the Stylish Blogger Award ... because, my dear, you have class! Smooches.

Kathryn Neff Perry, PhD, MA, LMHC said...

Class? Are you kidding? Me?
Thank you my sweet friend!