Thursday, February 24, 2011

Patty and Jen, Best Friends Forever

I added two names to my prayer journal yesterday. This morning before I started praying for Patty and her family, I realized I didn't have a face to put with her name. I know what her needs are, but not as well as the Lord knows. It occurred to me, I don't need to know anything about her, only that she needs my prayers. She has been battling ovarian cancer for six years, she has a ten year old son. Her best friend, Jen is also suffering with concern for Patty. 
A new Christian said to me one day she was excited about her new prayer life. She went on to say, "I didn't realize when I pray for other people I'm not worrying about myself all day long."
The new Christian realized by praying for others we in turn are also blessed by the experience.
I realized many years ago when I began praying for other people that I was making an investment in them. Not a material investment, but one with my heart.
Now that I've added Patty, her family and Jen my heart cares what happens. My heart cares to know how the Lord will answer our prayers.
Why not add my new friends Patty and Jen to your prayer journal, I know you will be blessed.
Let me know about your prayer journal, how are you blessed?


Jen Riffle said...

Bless you, dear Katt. Thank you for loving and praying for my friend and me. What a beautiful heart you have to so selflessly do that. Thank you, thank you, thank you a hundred times. Love, Jen

P.S. If you (or any of your friends) want a face to put with the name, find me on FB - Jen Dominick Stephens. A pic of Patty and I is my profile pic. Patty is the one with the really dark hair on the left. Also, I posted a video I made for her that has her whole family (and me and my 2 girls) in it.

Kathryn Neff Perry, PhD, MA, LMHC said...

Thanks for the info regarding Facebook. I'll check it out. It's nice to think of a pretty little face while we are praying. She's already in my heart-----
Hugs and blessings

Jodie said...

Katt, I just love your heart. It's been so long since we chatted, but I think of you often. You are such an amazing woman of God!

Kathryn Neff Perry, PhD, MA, LMHC said...

I miss you! You're right it has been a long time since we've talked---but I think of you often too. Especially when I read your blog.
Hope all is going well for you----

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Praying for Patty and Jen. You're so right. Praying for someone else occupies that space inside of my head that too often is full of thoughts about my pity-party. Woe is me, is something I struggle with a lot. Thanks for reminding me how easy it is to leave my own party. Yay, Katt!

Kathryn Neff Perry, PhD, MA, LMHC said...

Joy, you're not alone sista---I think we all struggle with that. I'm just glad I finally figured it all out---well, most of it---okay, some of it! ha ha
Love ya