Whenever you read about someone getting a contract for their first or second book, they don't tell you how long they've been trying.
I read a bio the other day about an author. She began writing when she was nine or ten. Got serious about writing and jotted down notes about a novel. She began the endeavor in 1990. Recently divorced and living on our version of welfare for almost a year, she and her daughter visited a nearby cafe to keep warm. She wrote most of her first novel there in that little cafe. After many rejections, her first book was finally picked up and published. Seven years after she began.
What does she have that separates her from some of us? Persistence.
I'm sure if any of us could speak to her and ask her if she ever thought about giving up she would probably admit that she did become depressed and at times very discouraged.
It's a good thing J.K. Rowling didn't give up. Success was just around the corner for her. Just mention Harry Potter to anyone and see their reaction.
When I pull another rejection from the mail box I remind myself to just hang it on the nail with the rest of them, and get back to work.
How do you bounce back from rejection? Let me know. I'd love to hear your secret.
I haven't queried very often and each response was accompanied by an encouraging personal message, so I haven't felt so "rejected". I also try to remember that these responses aren't personal rejections, just the agent's opinion of his or her ability to sell the piece. Everyone's entitled to an opinion, right? I'll just move on until I find one whose opinion is similar to mine. ;)
I was about to query my first choice agent when I learned she's closed to queries for several months. That's a bigger disappointment for me than any past rejections. It's hard to know if I'm meant to wait patiently for her, or move on to look elsewhere. ::sigh:: #amwaitingforanswers
I love that story about J.K. She recently told Oprah that the biggest change in her life is she's now able to holiday anywhere she wants without having to consider the cost. LOL.
I should admit that after about 50 rejections I gave up querying for many many years. Then I self-published, then my distributor told me to query Theytus, and they accepted. But today when I consider querying for my next book, I still get queasy. I don't relish rejection even though I'm a published author twice over. After all all this time I still hear this little voice inside my head when I receive or think of being rejected, "Who were you trying to kid? You can't write."
Isn't that silly?
Carol, I know what you mean about the disappointment. I researched, read a book, checked blogs to see if "she was the agent" for me. Got another book to work on my query letter, polished it, ready to send. Checked the agents guidelines, one more time, and found the same thing---not taking queries at this time---please try again next year! Okay, so I guess we try again, later????
When I read your comment (who were you trying to kid--you can't write)I laughed out loud! If my husband had a dollar for every time I've said that to him----we would be richer than J K Rowling! ha ha
I've read what you wrote and you are a fabulous writer! You tell that voice in your head to shut up!
ha ha
Hi Katt -
I've had my share of rejections, but those acceptances mute the pain. As a non-fiction and fiction writer, the encouragement helps fuel my longer projects.
Susan :)
Thanks for your comments Susan! I keep holding on :D
Hugs and Blessings
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