Friday, June 29, 2012


Her instructions to me were simple. "Sit with them and help them, but encourage them to do it themselves."
I looked across the table at my granddaughter as she cut along the lines of the card we were making. Her teacher and I assisted 26 kindergartners that morning during that project.
I watched the faces of the enthusiastic five and six year olds. Some of them determined to finish the project, but a few of them were eager to get on to something else.

A few weeks later, I listened to her instructions. They too, were simple. This time I was in the nursing home cafeteria. She said, "Sit with them and help them, but encourage them to do it themselves." She was talking about feeding themselves.
Wow, from five and six year olds to eighty, nighty and even one precious lady who has lived to be one hundred.
Even though the instructions were basically the same, their enthusiasm wasn't quite. Some of the people have given up. They are tired and in pain, and really don't care about much. One factor I noticed in the nursing home was the reaction on the faces of the residents when I bring my crazy little dog for a visit. Even the non-dog lovers respond to him. He's a crazy little dog who thinks everyone loves him.

The biggest difference between these two groups aside from the obvious, is the second group feels "unnecessary and unloved". When Meko "attacks" them their faces light up.
I cherish the time I was able to spend in Jenna's classroom. What a blessing that was to me.
I also cherish the time I spend at the nursing home, watching the faces of the people when Meko makes a difference in their lives. Meko knows no boundaries. He loves everyone.
I want to be like that.
Exodus 20:6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful illustration! I want to be like your dog, too!

Kathryn Neff Perry, PhD, MA, LMHC said...

You ARE like my dog. I've never known anyone like you my precious friend. You reach out to so many. You never meet a stranger! When I look in your face, I see the face of Jesus.
Love you