Friday, December 17, 2010


 A few days ago I received an email from a friend. In the subject line she had typed, "Lost". What did that mean?
If she's like me, it doesn't take much for me to get turned around.
From that email, I realized there are many ways to be "lost". 
You can loose your direction, you can feel hopeless or you can also think, in her case, she had "lost" touch with me.
Before I read the email, and realized what she meant I was afraid for her, momentarily. 
Hopeless is not a good feeling. This time of year, especially with the economy being what it is, when everyone else is feeling upbeat and looking forward to family and friends getting together, imagine being alone through no fault of your own. Perhaps you were never able to have children, and you've lost your spouse. Today, sitting alone in a tiny apartment wondering what today will bring.
Last week a blog I wrote brought one response that I treasure. It was from Susan Reinhardt. She was talking about surviving after the death of her husband. She said one word, "Joy".
It reminded me that no matter what is going on in your life, how much better I feel when I chose JOY.
It's a state of mind. It's pure Faith. It's knowing that God is there with me, no matter what. During the good (great) times or when the Doctor looks across his desk and says, "I'm sorry, but you have cancer."
You still need to chose JOY, and Believe it. Believe in Joy.
Believe in the Lord. HE will see you through any crisis. HE will also send an angel, with skin, to love you and see you through the crisis.


Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Years ago my minister told me he loved my name because it stood for Jesus, Others, and You.

When my DH is being cute, he says, "Yeah, a joy to lene on!" haha

Kathryn Neff Perry, PhD, MA, LMHC said...

Joy, your DH is right---we ALL "lene on" you.
I love your name too---and I also love YOU!
Merry Christmas sweetie