Monday, April 27, 2009

Go Squirrel, Go

Living in South central Florida one of the many blessings we have, are the birds. My husband loves to surprise me. He came home from Lowe's the other day with two bird feeders. He hung the first one, and in less than an hour, the little squirrels were having a a hay day. They were hanging upside down, tipping it over and had knocked most of the bird seed to the ground. Needless to say, it's become man vs beast, or squirrel. My husband has become determined to feed the birds not the squirrels, except from the ground. So he bought a "squirrel proof" feeder. He hung one of the feeders under the awning, right outside my office window. The squirrel climbs down, and hangs on the bracket, and chomps away. I haven't told my husband that trick yet. The best one, for the squirrel was this morning. I was sitting at my computer typing away. Something caught my eye, hanging over the soffit. Those beadie little eyes, hanging upside down, trying to figure out how to get to the next window. I haven't told my husband yet, but I'm rooting for the squirrel.

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